The evauation results within Component 5, Round 2

The evaluation results within Component 5, Round 2


The result of administrative conformity and eligibility check - Round 2 - Component 5

The result of administrative conformity and eligibility check for the Applications received within Component 5 -  NGO Capacity Development. Networks and Coalitions


The Lists of Applications received during the Second Round for the NGO CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT. NETWORKS AND COALITIONS Component


List of Applications received within Subcomponent 5.1 - Support for Coalitions and Networks at Regional and National Level and for Think Tanks

List of Applications received within Subcomponent 5.2 - Support for Initiatives that Contribute to an Enabling Environment for NGOs in Romania and Strenghten the Overall Sector Representation

List of Applications received within Subcomponent 5.3 - Strenghtening Membership and Volunteer Base of Organizations  and Increasing Participation of Members/Volunteers in Organisations' activities


Applicants' Guidelines and Annexes for the Call for Proposals, Round 2, August 14, 2014

Applicants' Guidelines_RO

Annex 1 - The format of the Call for proposal_RO

Annex 2 - Budget_RO

Annex 3 - Applicant's Declaration_RO

Annex 4 - Partnership Agreement_RO

Annex 4 - Partnership Agreement_EN

Annex 5 - Contribution to the expected results_RO

Annex 6 - Activities' schedule_RO

The financing contract and its anexes - archive

Guidelines for uploading the online project proposals_RO


The application procedure consists of filling the Application form and uploading its annexes exclusively through an online application system http://www.finantare.fdsc.ro/linii-de-finantare. Details regarding the online application procedure can be found in the Applicants's Guidelines and in the Guidelines for uploading the online project proposals.


Programme Document - NGO Capacity Development. Networks and Coalitions Component


Download the document in PDF format


Projects proposed for funding and waiting list - Round 1 - Component 5

R1_The projects proposed for funding and the waiting lists - Component 5 - NGO Capacity Development. Networks and Coalitions, Round 1, NGO Fund

The result of administrative conformity and eligibility check - Round 1 - Component 5

The rezult of the administrative conformity and eligibility check for the Call of applications within Component 5 - NGO development. Networks and Coalitions, Round 1, NGO Fund

Applications received during the First Round, for the NGO Capacity Development. Networks and Coalitions Component

List of Applications sent in due time for Subcomponent 5.1

List of Applications sent in due time for Subcomponent 5.2

List of Applications sent in due time for Subcomponent 5.3

Applicants' Guidelines and Annexes for the Call for Proposals, Round 1, June 05, 2013

Applicants' Guidelines_RO

Annex 1 - Call for Proposal_RO

Annex 2 - Budget_RO

Annex 3 - Applicant's Declaration_RO

Annex 4 - Partnership Agreement_RO

Annex 4 - Partnership Agreement_ENG

Annex 5 - Contribution to the expected outcomes - the revised version, after the addendum dated July 5, 2013

Documents' archive_Component 5